Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hi All...

I know it's been forever and a day since I last posted, my apologies. But I'm here to let y'all know that I recently bought a Nikon D5100! It's the super spiffy camera that I've been dreaming about for a LONG time! Here's a picture of what mine looks like:

Like I said...super spiffy! I'm still learning to use it and also trying to figure out what settings should be used for certain pictures/scenes. I bought two books that have been super helpful as well so hopefully I will be a creative photo-guru in no time at all! ;)

A website is in the works to show all my photos, so be on the look out! Y'all will be the first to know about it. As an incentive to come back, I'll have you know that my niece will be the first model I showcase! :) She is only 2 weeks old and complete eye candy!

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