Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hi World, it's Tracy. Remember me?

First off, I'm going to go ahead and say there is no excuse good enough to explain why I haven't posted in SO long. I would apologize but I feel that would just be pissing on your head and calling it rain. So I'm going to skip all that bullshit and give you my word that I am going to try my absolute hardest to get back into blogging!

I'm back today of all days to give you an update (like I previously promised) on the status of my home makeover. It's been going along but I've been very busy and at the same time very lazy so not as much as I would have liked to be finished is complete.

In my last post, I didn't post a picture of a shelf I had in my bedroom. Unfortunately, I don't have a before picture, but its easy to imagine: a 5-foot oak shelf, with 4 insertable shelves. Nothing spiffy, nothing pretty. I decided I wanted to paint it coral, and to give it a little bit of excitement, I knew I wanted to cover the back wall in a gray geometric fabric. Below is the finished product! (Sorry the picture quality is so horrible, the lighting was bad and I was using my iPhone.)

I absolutely love it! I think it gives it a little extra character and makes it much less of an eyesore. It was a pain finding fabric that I had envisioned but I found this one on a baby bedding website. The coral paint took about 3 coats to completely cover the oak color and the paint streaks. I also had some light grey paint on hand so I went ahead and painted one coat on the back wall so that when I added the fabric, no weird colors would bleed through.

I used this Krylon Spray Adhesive (bought from Michael's for less than $5.00 with a coupon) to adhere the fabric to the back wall. It was super sticky and made it easy to smooth out any wrinkles or bumps. I laid the bookshelf on the ground to make it easier to add the fabric. I measured the back wall and cut my fabric to fit. I wasn't too worried about getting it exactly perfect because I knew I would be added ribbon to the outside rim.

This is the ribbon I used, just plain black, nothing fancy. I used about 1 1/2 spools because I was testing different glues to see which would be best. I ended up using a hot glue gun which was an okay turnout. I just had to do little sections so that the glue wouldn't harden and dry 3D.

And this is when it was finished! Not bad huh?

Overall, this was a long project. The painting took a long time since it needed so many coats. Luckily my momma was in town and helped me tackle the job. But that's it for now, I have completed some of the projects from my last post but they just need final touches so I WILL be back to show y'all.

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