Friday, June 8, 2012

BLU: I'm an Old Ag!

For this Bucket List Update (BLU), I am proud to announce that I have joined the Texas A&M Association of Former Students!

On May 11, 2012 I walked across the stage at Reed Arena in College Station, shook President Loftin's hand (see below), and received my diploma! I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a dual minor in Business Administration and Sport Management. Family that was present included: my dad,  Kelly and Kevin (my sister and brother-in-law), my mom and Joe (stepdad), my mother's parents, and my boyfriend John. The feeling of accomplishment I felt that day is off the charts. I can't believe I completed four years of college already and did it at one of the BEST Universities in the State of Texas!

With this achievement under my belt, I can officially cross off #9 on my Bucket List- Get a College Degree!

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