Sunday, June 10, 2012

BLU: Do Something 100% Unexpected

When people put "Do Something Unexpected" on their Bucket List, how do they decide when an event is unexpected enough to constitute crossing it off the list? I mean I am constantly doing unexpected things. For instance, just the other day I was making a trip to Walmart when on my way, I spotted a TJ Maxx sign. Without thinking, I crossed four lanes of traffic and turned in. Talk about unexpected- I guess I felt like shopping! But using this little spur-of-the-moment action as a reason to strike through a bucket list adventure just doesn't seem right. It's not something that if I were laying on my death bed, I would think, "Gee Trac, you should'a gone to that TJ Maxx that day in 2012, that skirt and top you [could have] got would'a looked killer on you!" So how do you decide something is SO unbelievably unexpected, that years down the road, you'll look back and think about how different you're life would be, had you NOT done it?

Well, I believe I've decided for myself. So here I am, telling all you people, I'm crossing off #100 on my Bucket List: Do Something 100% Unexpected. The answer? VEGAS BABY!

Yep, two days before I graduated from A&M, I received a call, offering me a job in the Marketing Department at Caesars Entertainment. So what's a 22-year-old girl supposed to do? Well she takes it of course! After a long, emotional and stressful week (post-graduation), I loaded up my 2-door Honda Civic with as much shit as I could, including myself and my pup, Shiner, and started the 22 hour drive to Nevada.

The reason I am only just now categorizing this move as "unexpected"is because I don't think it had "hit me" until just now...
I am from Houston, Texas.
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I work at Caesars Palace.
I'm living on my own (for the most part).
My family is not within a reasonable amount of driving distance.
For the first time EVER, I'm going to have to MAIL my sister her birthday card because I'm not going to be able to celebrate it with her, after 22 years!
Not only did all of this sink in, but last night I attended the first of many, high roller events at the Palace. It was called "Tom's Favorite Things", a spin-off of Oprah's Favorite Things, where tons of gifts are given to all those in attendance. Man was I blown away! It was phenomenal! There were 120 tables, each sitting 10 seats each! The food was absolutely delicious and the gifts they gave away were crazy/expensive/unbelievable! Here are a couple pictures from the night...

[This is a view of the entire ballroom, crazy big!]
[This is the car they gave away, a Fiskar.]
 [These are the two different table settings, royal blue sequin tablecloth, and little black leather circles tablecloth. They were absolutely perfect and looked amazing!]
[These are two of my bosses, Melissa and Sabra, and myself. We clean up pretty good!]
Overall, my journey here in Sin City has been crazy, it's been scary, but mostly it's been fun. If you would have asked me two months ago if I could see myself moving to Las Vegas, I would have told you that you were crazy for even asking! THAT, my friends, proves that I did Something 100% Unexpected!

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