Monday, August 29, 2011

With The Twilight Saga.

All summer long I have been DYING for a good book to read. For some reason, I did not pick up a single one until two days ago when I decided to reread Breaking Dawn, the fourth installment of the Twilight Saga. Boy, am I happy I did! I completely forgot how amazing the books are and how easy of a read they are! After the past two days, I've already gone through more than 150 pages! I decided to reread it because, as I'm sure you've got it marked in your calender, Part 1 of the movie comes out on November 18, only 3 months away! Since the last time I read the book was the first day it was released to stores, my memory is a little blurry on all the details of the novel. Here is a link to the trailer for Part 1 of Breaking Dawn found on the author of the novels, Stephenie Meyer, website- check it out! This movie is going to be amazing I already know!

PS--I will DEFINITELY be at the midnight showing, wearing my amazing Twilight shirt I made for the last premiere. You like?

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