About Me

Graduate of Texas A&M University. Born on April 7. Brown Hair, Green/Hazel Eyes. I love cold showers after a good workout. I love sports and being outside. My worst nightmare is when I dream about my teeth falling out, which happens about 4 nights a week. I cuss like a sailor and I burp alot, especially when I drink Sprite (and beer). I love my family a ridiculous amount and cherish my true friends. I have a VERY handsome, baby boy boxer named Shiner and I treat him as if I gave birth to him myself.  The love of my life, Dustin, is in the Air Force and is currently overseas. When he left, I gained another roommate, another four legged little baby girl, Lennon, who stole my heart from the start. I LOVE picking up new hobbies and probably have five too many. Mexican food is my favorite and so is peanut butter. I love sunflowers, peonies and the beach (but not the sand). I have a very big future planned for myself and I am VERY determined to get it, no matter how hard I have to work for it. I don't butter my pancakes before I eat them because it's a waste of time. I can't cook to save my life and I speak before I think too often. I'm a pretty independent girl and I usually do things the way I want. I'm not perfect and I know it but I don't care. I've got the whole world in the palm of my hands, I'm just waiting to see what it has in store for me.

About TLIO
I decided to start True Life:Im Obsessed (TLIO) mostly as a fulfillment on my Bucket List. BUT, even though I haven't blogged as often as I wish I would have, I've come to realize how much I love it! I think its the idea that ANYONE can read it and benefit from/laugh at it. I named the blog TLIO because just like any other girl in this world, I am constantly finding and falling in love with a multitude of things. Said things can range from books to movies to hobbies etc, you get the point. I'm betting the more and more you read, the more and more you'll start to think "damn, this girl is obsessed with a lot of shit!" Well, I'm here to let you know that I'm already aware of that and hey, isn't the first step admitting you have problem?

My Bucket List Page

Check out my "Bucket List" page to see the list of 100 Things I Want To Do Before I Kick The Bucket. I will post blogs to update and share the status of my journey. I will post while in the midst of planning future events, during the events, and afterwards, detailing the experience and when I can officially cross an item off my list. Wish Me Luck!