Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Monday!

Unlike most of America, Monday is the first day of my weekend! So I decided to take the pups on a run at the park because its a b-e-a-utiful day outside in Las Vegas. I thought I was semi-out-of-shape, but these dogs were dragging behind me after only 20 minutes! As soon as I got off the path and into the grass, they both plopped down and wouldn't budge. Of course, I didn't mind sitting in the shade either.

Since forever, Shiner has been one of those super crazy dogs that you see yanking the owner around, wanting to go every which way. Well finally I decided I was tired of it and got him a nose harness that helps control tugging. It doesn't block his breathing and still allows him to pant and drink water like normal. It just puts the point of control on his nose and face, rather than his strong neck/shoulders.

I tell you what, those crazy days are over! For the first ten minutes, he pawed and clawed at it, trying to remove it. He even ducked his head down and dragged it on the concrete, giving himself an ugly scratch on the top of his nose. But once he realized this thing was on there to stay, he did exactly what he was supposed to and ran right by my side, not pulling or lunging forward. It was awesome!

If you are one of those owners with an uncontrolled dog on a leash, I highly recommend the nose harness! Not only does it control the dog's face, it also makes his attention and focus on you and your commands. Believe me, I tried and tried to use a normal collar and leash and just restrict it so he had to stay by my side. I used treats, I would praise him when he was doing good, pet him when we would stop and sit on command, everything. I practiced a ton when he was a puppy and in training school but never had any luck. So if you feel like you are on the verge of kicking your dog when he is misbehaving (even though you would never do that obviously), you should definitely give it a try!

All along I thought this little pretty girl was perfect but it seems I need to go back to Petsmart to buy her a nose harness as well. She just wants to sniff and sniff and sniff...EVERYTHING! While we are running! No ma'am, no sir-ee, that ain't gonna work. Now that I know control is possible, I'm not going to waste anymore time! :)

Have a good rest of your Monday!

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