Sunday, January 29, 2012

BLU: Scarf and a Tat


I know I haven't updated in a while but I figured I had to. I am proud to say that I have two events to share. Both are events that enable me to cross items off my Bucket List!

#34- Knit A Scarf
I did it! I made a verrryyy pretty navy blue scarf for myself and then proceeded to make an off-white scarf for Daniela, my roommate! Here is a picture on the first day I learned as well as one of me wearing the finished product! I'm so proud of myself, even though I used a loom which I don't think is the "intense" form of knitting.

Started: 12/11/11 


#2- Get a Tattoo
This happened on a spur of the moment whim. My friend Erin came into town on Saturday and when we both agreed that we didn't feel like going out to northgate, I decided that getting a tattoo was the perfect alternate! We went to 2 different places, both charging ridiculous amounts so when we showed up at the 3rd location (Tattoo Consortium) and I was offered the price I wanted, I signed my name! Oh man did it hurt! At first I was thinking "Alright, this isn't so bad, halfway done." Then, when he moved onto the second part/word, I was dying! It hurt soooo much worse since it was on the top of my foot where all the bones are! All in all, I'm unbelievably happy I got it! I'm still constantly looking down at my foot, checking to see if its there. I can't believe this thing is forever! But I haven't regretted it for a split second!

I Love It!! =)
Carpe Diem = Seize the Day

Getting this tattoo and knitting scarfs has made me really take a look at my list and decide what I want to aim for in the near future:

#1. Go Skydiving
#14. Sing Karaoke in Public
#58. Steal a Street Sign

Obviously, I want to do everything on the list but these are just the ones that are doable within the next month or so. =)

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