Friday, August 26, 2011

About Capturing Life's Greatest Moments.

This past weekend I attended a wedding. I was lucky enough to snag a seat on the aisle, allowing me to see all the action. Unfortunately, since the wedding was inside a church, my camera had a hard time taking pictures that actually turned out decent. Sometimes it would flash, sometimes it wouldn't flash, sometimes it wouldn't even take a picture at all! Even when it did flash, the pictures still turned out much too dark to where they aren't even usable. It really frustrated me that I couldn't get any GREAT pictures because I absolutely LOVE having memories captured and being able to, first scrapbook them, and then look at them for many years down the road. So, I've decided that I MUST get a spiffy camera that will take professional pictures. I don't know anything about photography or what cameras are the best but I do know that Nikon and Canon are two of the top dogs, so I'm sure I will end up with one of those. I even would LOVE to take a short course in photography to really get the full use out of the camera. And although they are expensive, there is no doubt in my mind about getting one. I'm obsessed about being able to capture all of life's great moments!

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